How do I set up the incoming filter of EuropeanMX for my domain?

There are only a few steps to getting started with our incoming filtering system:


If you don't have an Eunetic account with us yet, you can register for a free, no obligation trial on our website. If you already have an account, please use this link instead.

Set up your domain

In our FAQ article "How do I create a domain in EuropeanMX?" you can find instructions on how to create your domain in EuropeanMX. 

Adjust DNS entries

In step 2, your domain was set up in our filter system. In order for incoming e-mails to reach our system first, the MX records of your domain must be adjusted. To do this, please log into your account with your domain provider and enter the following MX-records:


Please pay attention to the points at the end of the entries. These 4 entries should be the only ones of the type "MX", others should be deleted if necessary. It is best to make a note of the original MX entries to be able to restore them later. If you have problems to store the MX records, please contact your provider.

Updating DNS records can sometimes take up to 24 hours. Messages sent in the meantime will still be received directly on your mail server.

If the destination route is set up correctly and the MX records are recognized by our system, all incoming messages are checked by our filter and transferred to your mail server. You can find more information in our FAQ article "What are MX records and which ones should be used for incoming filtering?".

Fine Tuning

To fine-tune the settings for your domain, please log into the Admin Panel (FAQ article "How can I log in to the Admin-Panel (web interface of the filter)?"). Below we have compiled a list of the most important menu items or functions for you:


  • Mailboxes configuration
    In the "Configuration" tab you can define whether the filter on the set target server should check with an SMTP callout whether the recipient is actually present on the target server or whether the filter should not check and you want to specify the recipients manually in the "Mailboxes" tab. If you want to specify the recipients manually, please activate the checkbox for "Reject email to mailboxes not listed in the "Mailboxes" tab. You can also specify here whether all mailboxes should be archived or only certain mailboxes.
    In the "Mailboxes" tab you can then enter the individual e-mail addresses and activate or deactivate the respective automated functions individually. Additional informations can be found in our FAQ article "What settings can I make with regard to my mailboxes?".


  • Email Scout Reports - Incoming
    Lists all incoming email scout reports that you have set up for your domain. To set up a scout report, go to "Incomging" > "Logs" and create the desired search rules. Execute the search and then click on the button "Email this search". A window now opens in which you can specify the subject, interval, sender and recipient of the report. A description of how to create an Email Scout report can be found in our FAQ article "How can I create my own Email Scout reports and have them sent to me?".
  • Email Scout Reports - Outgoing
    Lists all outgoing message scout reports that you have set up for your domain. To set up a scout report, go to "Outgoing" > "Logs" and create the desired search rules. Execute the search and then click on the button "Email this search". A window now opens in which you can specify the subject, interval, sender and recipient of the report. A description of how to create an Email Scout report can be found in our FAQ article "How can I create my own Email Scout reports and have them sent to me?".
  • Protection reports
    Here you can manage the regular reports that inform your users about blocked messages. More detailed information can be found in our FAQ entry "How can I be informed about blocked incoming messages?".


  • Logs
    With the log search you have the possibility to search within the log files of the EuropeanMX filter for your domain. This is especially useful if, for example, a message was blocked by the filter that is not actually spam. In the log search, you then have the possibility to search for the blocked message and releasing it via "Release & Train". This function transfers the mail to our training server, where the message is analyzed and the filter's algorithm is adjusted. This reduces the probability that a similar one will be blocked again. Additional informations can be found in our FAQ article "How to get an overview of the blocked messages?".
  • Spam quarantine
    The quarantine contains all messages that have been classified as spam by the filter. Here you also have the option to release and train a message or to whitelist the address. At the same time, you can also blacklist the sender of a message. You can find more information about quarantine in our FAQ article "What does quarantine mean and how can I access it?".
  • Destinations
    Here you can specify the target server (host name or IP of your mail server) to which we should deliver the valid messages.
  • Domain statistics
    In this view you can see the used traffic for your incoming messages.
  • Train messages
    This menu item allows you to train messages that were incorrectly detected by the filter. Training can be used both for messages that were not detected as spam and for messages that were incorrectly treated as spam. Through this feature, the incorrectly detected email is forwarded to our training server, where the message is analyzed and the filter's algorithm is adjusted.

Incoming - protection settings

  • Recipient allow list
    Here you can add mailboxes of your domain to the allow list. This means that all messages, whether spam or no spam, are forwarded to this mailbox and are not checked by the filter. This may pose a security risk, as messages sent to this address, which may contain malware (viruses, Trojans, etc.), are forwarded to the appropriate mailbox.
  • Recipient block list
    Here you can put certain mailboxes of your domain on a block list. This means that all messages sent to this mailbox will be rejected/blocked by the filter.
  • Sender allow list
    Here you can put a sender on the allow list. This means that all messages, whether spam or not, will be forwarded from this address to the corresponding mailbox of your domain. This can possibly mean a security risk, as messages from this address that may contain malware (viruses, Trojans, etc.) will also be forwarded to the corresponding mailbox.
  • Sender block list
    Here you can block certain email addresses or domains, so that all messages from this address/domain will be rejected.
  • Allow list filtering rules
    Here you can define your own filter rules for the allow list. Messages that match these rules are automatically recognized as valid and delivered to the target server. Detailed information and case studies can be found in our FAQ "Are there any examples of how the rules for the block and allow list can be designed?".
  • Block list filtering rules
    Here you can define your own filter rules for the blocking list. Messages that match these rules are automatically recognized as not valid and are getting rejected by the filter. Detailed information and case studies can be found in our FAQ "Are there any examples of how the rules for the block and allow list can be designed?".
  • Filter settings
    Here you can define how strongly the filter should control incoming messages. The default quarantine threshold is 0.9, which allows the filter to filter out most spam messages without rejecting valid messages. Above the threshold settings, you can disable SPF scanning for specific domains or IPs. You can find more information about "SPF" and "Treshold value" in our FAQ article "What is an SPF entry and how do I have to designed?" and "What does score and threshold mean? How are they calculated?".
  • Attachment restrictions
    In this view, you can specify what type of files you want to allow. Select the file extensions you want to block in the future. More informations can be found in our FAQ article "Can I block dangerous/unwanted file extensions?".
  • Email size restriction
    Here you can specify the maximum size of an email and what should happen to the message if it is exceeded.


  • Logs
    With the log search you have the possibility to search the log files of the EuropeanMX filter for your domain. This is especially useful if, for example, a message has been blocked by the outgoing filter that does not actually constitute spam. To release a blocked messages, please contact our support.
  • Manage users
    Here you can define the outgoing users you can use to send your outgoing messages. Further information can be found in our FAQ article "How do I set up the outbound filter of EuropeanMX for my domain?".
  • Settings
    Here you can specify an address to which our ARF reports are sent. You can find more information in our FAQ article "What is an ARF report? How can I set it up? Why do I receive such messages?".
  • Domain statistics
    In this view you can see the used traffic for your outgoing messages.
  • DKIM
    In this view you can create a key pair for DKIM. More information about DKIM and how to set it up can be found in our FQ article "What is DKIM and why should I use it?".

Outgoing - Protection settings

  • Sender block list
    Here you can define specific senders who are not allowed to send a message.
  • Block list filtering rules
    Under this menu item you can define your own filter rules for the blocklist. Messages that match these rules are automatically recognized as not valid and rejected by the filter. Detailed information and case studies can be found in our FAQ "Are there any examples of how the rules for the block and allow list can be designed?".


  • Search - incoming
    Here you can search for archived, incoming messages. You can find more information in our FAQ article "How can I search for archived messages?".
  • Search - outgoing
    Here you can search for archived, outbound messages. You can find more information in our FAQ article "How can I search for archived messages?".
  • Settings
    In this view you can set what EuropeanMX should archive for you and whether older messages should expire. After activation you have the possibility to define the number of days in which the messages should still be available to you. You can find more information in our FAQ article "How can I make the settings for archiving and what options are available?".
  • Export
    If you also want to save the archive externally, you can create and download a zip file here.

If you have any questions or problems regarding our filtering system please don't hesitate to contact our support.

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