What settings can I make with regard to my mailboxes?

Under "General" > "Mailboxes configuration" you can find three tabs under which you can make basic settings for your mailboxes.

Tab: Configuration

In the tab "Configuration", you can first use the drop-down menu to specify whether EuropeanMX should filter all mailboxes or only certain mailboxes by default. The mailboxes can then be entered in the next tab or you can activate or deactivate filtering individually.

If you want to reject all messages to mailboxes that are not listed in the "Mailboxes" tab by default, you can activate the option "Reject email to mailboxes not listed in the "mailboxes" tab" under the drop-down menu.

By default EuropeanMX performs recipient verification on the target server to check if the recipient is actually present on the target server. For more information please refer to the FAQ article "What is a Recipient Callout?".

In this tab you can also set the desired time zone that EuropeanMX will use and display.

Tab: Mailboxes

In the tab "Mailboxes" you can create all mailboxes of your domain and manage its individual settings.

Using the option "Automatically populate the list with mailboxes determined as valid by the destination mailserver..." you can determine whether the recipients should be added to the list automatically after a successful recipient verification. Alternatively, you can add the mailboxes manually.

Display mailboxes

By clicking on "Show results" you can display all mailboxes of the domain that EuropeanMX has detected. Use the search rules if you are looking for a specific address.

Add mailboxes manually

You can manually import your mailboxes either via a CSV file ("Import mailboxes from CSV") or create them individually via the "+Add mailbox" button.

Manually configure mailbox settings

If you want to configure the mailboxes manually, do the following:

  1. Click on "+Add Mailbox" to add the settings for a new mailbox or select an existing mailbox from the list below.
  2. Enter the name of the mailbox (part before the @) and click "Save" to use the default settings. All other settings below are optional!
  3. Set a time zone. The option "Use recommended" automatically uses the settings you have previously set in the "Configuration" tab.
  4. Select a suitable date format. The option "Use recommended" automatically uses the settings you have previously set in the "Configuration" tab.
  5. Select a suitable time format. The option "Use recommended" automatically uses the settings you have previously set in the "Configuration" tab.
  6. Select whether the mailbox should be filtered. The option "Use recommended" automatically uses the settings you have previously set in the "Configuration" tab.
  7. Select whether the messages of this mailbox should be archived.
  8. Specify whether EuropeanMX should enable automatic email scouting reports for this address.
  9. Mailboxes marked as distribution list do not have access to the admin panel. Distribution list addresses usually do not send messages, so these messages can be blocked if the address is the sender.
  10. Specify whether the mailbox should reject all legitimate emails without a rejection response - This setting allows no-reply style mailboxes, where all emails are accepted but not read and therefore immediately discarded.
  11. Specify whether this mailbox is a shared mailbox. Multiple users can read or send messages from this mailbox.
  12. Save the settings to complete the configuration.

Exclude certain mailboxes from filtering (whitelist)

You can exclude certain recipients from filtering and thus put them on the whitelist for recipients. 

  1. Go to the "Mailboxes" tab and click on "Show results".
  2. Select the mailbox that you want to whitelist. Click on the drop-down menu in the front area and select "Edit".
  3. Go to the option "Filtered (incoming)" and set it to "No" to turn off filtering for this mailbox.
  4. Click "Save" to apply the change.

Tab: Mailbox aliases

An email alias overwrites the email address of a domain with another email address of the same domain. For example, if you use "alias@" as an alias for the address "user@" under the domain myexampledomain.com, all messages addressed to "alias@myexampledomain.com" will use the same logging, quarantine and filter settings as the main address "user@myexampledomain.com".

If you have activated the option "Direct delivery for email and domain aliases:" under "Incoming" > "Domain settings", then the delivery will be sent to the original email address (alias@myexampledomain.com). If the option is not activated, the message will be delivered to the primary address (user@myexampledomain.com).

In the "Mailbox Aliases" tab you have the following options:

  • Adding, editing and removing aliases
  • Intercept all messages of a domain and deliver them to a single address

Only individual overwriting is possible. It is not possible to set up a new alias for an alias address. 

Adding a Mailbox Alias

  1. Log in to your admin panel as administrator. Instructions for logging into the EuropeanMX Admin Panel can be found in our FAQ article "How can I log in to the Admin-Panel (web interface of the filter)?".
  2. Under "General" click on the menu item "Mailbox configuration" and switch to the tab "Mailbox Aliases".
  3. To create an alias, please click on "+Add alias". 
  4. Enter the primary email address in the field "Mailbox" . Use only the part of the address that is in front of the @ sign. So if the address is "admin@myexampledomain.com", it is sufficient to enter "admin".
  5. Enter the alias address in the field "Alias". Use only the part of the address that comes before the @ sign. So if the address is "alias@myexampledomain.com", it is sufficient to enter "alias".
  6. Click "Save" to apply the setting.

Intercept all messages of a domain and deliver them to a single address

  1. Log in to your admin panel as administrator. Instructions for logging into the EuropeanMX Admin Panel can be found in our FAQ article "How can I log in to the Admin-Panel (web interface of the filter)?".
  2. Under "General" click on the menu item "Mailbox configuration" and switch to the tab "Mailbox Aliases".
  3. To create an alias, please click on "+Add alias". 
  4. In the field "Mailbox", enter the address to which all messages should be delivered. Use only the part of the address that is in front of the @ sign. So if the address is "admin@myexampledomain.com", it is sufficient to enter "admin".
  5. Enter an asterisk (*) in the field "Alias". This is the only way you can use the asterisk in the field "Alias". Other versions such as "admin*" will not work. If you enter "admin*", only messages from the address "admin@myexampledomain.com" are affected.
  6. Click "Save" to apply the setting.

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