Trust in Online Communication: Secure Email Solutions for Handling Sensitive Data

With our Email Security Gateway, we provide comprehensive protection for your online communication. EuropeanMX not only safeguards against spam but also offers advanced protection against malware and phishing attacks. We achieve this security through cutting-edge filtering technologies and continuous updates, monitoring both incoming and outgoing emails. This ensures safe email traffic and effective protection of your sensitive data. Managed simply in the cloud, our solution requires no complicated software installation – a secure and user-friendly option for businesses of all sizes.

Key Features of Our Email Security Gateway

Incoming Filter

Our advanced incoming filter provides effective protection against spam and malware. Known for its high accuracy and minimal false alarms, it ensures secure and smooth email communication.


Compliant Archiving

Our email archiving solution continuously secures your communications and is designed to comply with international legal regulations, ensuring reliable and lawful storage of your emails.


Outgoing Filter

Our outgoing filter protects your IP ranges from blacklisting, automatically blocking compromised accounts and alerting you to suspicious activities to keep your network safe and your reputation intact.


MS Exchange & Office 365

Enhance the security of Microsoft Office 365 and Exchange with our additional protection features. Our solution offers an elevated level of security and improved scalability, tailored to your needs.


Why EuropeanMX Should Be Your Partner for Email Security

Do you prioritize email security in your business? Are you looking to protect your customers and employees effectively from spam, phishing, ransomware, and other online threats?

EuropeanMX is your solution. As your Email Security Gateway, we safeguard your communication. Our professional secure mail solution reliably filters out unwanted and dangerous content, providing ideal protection for your corporate network.

Choose EuropeanMX, your dependable Email Security Gateway, for top-tier email security. Our advanced solution effectively shields your clients and staff from various threats. Our system precisely filters out 99.98% of all spam and virus emails before they reach your network, ensuring reliability and security. Additionally, we offer outgoing message filtering to protect your IP reputation and encrypted cloud storage for compliant email archiving.


Convinced About the Importance of Secure Email Communication?

Order EuropeanMX now or try it for free –
Your Choice for Email Security

Select the Required Number of Domains and Archive Size:

4,95 / Month
58,80 € / Contract Period plus VAT
Email Users:
100 / Domain
100 MB / Month *
Contract Period:
12 Months *

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our sales team.

* The Fair-Use-Traffic included in the package price refers to the monthly data volume of your e-mail traffic. In case of constant exceeding of the included traffic, you will be informed by us to negotiate appropriate conditions. The service remains active even if the volume contained in the package is exceeded in order to guarantee an uninterrupted use. The contract period is automatically extended by a further period if no notice of termination has been received within 30 days prior to expiry. The contract term is also the billing period.

Over 15 Years of Expertise in Email Security and Internet Services

As your trustworthy full-service provider, we guarantee rapid solutions and constant availability.

Software as a Service

Our cloud-based Email Security Gateway solution requires no installation, secures your communication, and offers maximum flexibility.

Security Through Redundancy

With 10 globally distributed data centers, we ensure maximum fail-safety and reliable email delivery.


Enhance the security of Office 365 and Exchange with EuropeanMX, adding an extra layer of protection to your email communication.

Full Control

Gain complete control over your email security with our comprehensive admin interface, tailored to your needs.


Our service is monitored, managed, and maintained 24/7, ensuring continuous, reliable email security.


Depend on our encrypted and tamper-proof email archive for secure and long-term data storage.

Key Insights About EuropeanMX and Email Security

  • What is an Email Security Gateway?
    An Email Security Gateway is a solution that monitors incoming and outgoing emails to protect businesses from spam, malware, phishing attacks, and other email-based threats.
  • How does EuropeanMX function as an Email Security Gateway?
    EuropeanMX, as an Email Security Gateway, employs advanced filtering technologies to identify and block harmful or unwanted emails before they reach the corporate network. Simply changing the MX records of your domain to our gateway ensures that your emails are routed through our security infrastructure for effective protection.
  • What are the benefits of using EuropeanMX for my email security?
    EuropeanMX offers enhanced email security with high accuracy in spam and virus detection, IP reputation protection, compliant email archiving, and seamless integration with existing email systems.
  • How does EuropeanMX comply with data protection regulations?
    EuropeanMX helps businesses comply with data protection regulations like GDPR by providing secure, encrypted email archiving and ensuring all data processing meets legal requirements.
  • Can EuropeanMX integrate with existing email systems like Microsoft Office 365?
    Yes, EuropeanMX is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing email systems, including Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange, adding extra layers of security and enhanced functionalities.

For more detailed information, please visit our comprehensive EuropeanMX FAQ section.
There, you will find a wide array of questions and answers about EuropeanMX and email security.

Free Tools for Email Security

SPF Generator

A simple tool for generating a valid SPF record for your email domain.


DMARC Generator

Convenient tool for creating DMARC records for your email domain.


MX Checkup

A complete analysis of your email domain, including blacklist checking.


DMARC Analyzer

Comprehensive tool for monitoring and analyzing your DMARC reports.


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