Your Emails: Secure and Reliable Upon Delivery

Ensure your emails arrive safely and reliably at their destination. Enhance your email security with our Secure SMTP, which prevents blacklisting of your own IP addresses. The mail relay protects your email infrastructure with spam filter technologies and modern security measures. It maintains the reputation of your sender domain by ensuring all outgoing messages are free from malware. The integration of DKIM confirms the authenticity of your emails, increasing security and further improving deliverability.

How Our SMTP Mail Relay Protects Your Business

Protecting Company Reputation

Our outgoing email filter maintains your company's reputation by preventing spam or malware from leaving your network. It ensures that harmful content doesn't reach your partners or customers, even in case of internal security breaches, protecting you from the consequences of an infection.

Detecting Security Vulnerabilities

Our filter technology automatically identifies and isolates infected user accounts by detecting unusual activities and promptly sending detailed reports to administrators. This allows for swift resolution of internal security issues, enhancing network security.

Avoiding Blacklisting

Our SMTP Relay Service ensures that only legitimate emails leave your company, effectively preventing your IP address from being blacklisted and preserving the integrity of your email communications.

Easy DKIM Activation

Activate DKIM for your outgoing emails with just one click to confirm the authenticity of your messages and increase trustworthiness. This feature not only improves email deliverability but also protects against phishing and spoofing by ensuring your messages' content remains unaltered during transmission.

Reliable Email Delivery

Our outgoing email service guarantees your messages always reach their recipients. Additional security checks ensure uninterrupted delivery of your crucial communications.

Reducing Costs and Administrative Effort

Avoiding blacklisting not only saves you from financial losses due to work interruptions but also significantly reduces the time and effort required for blacklist removal and damage control.

Reasons to Use Our Secure Mail Relay:

Protection Against Blacklisting

Prevent your sender domain from being blacklisted. Our filter identifies and blocks spam and malware before they can leave your email infrastructure.

Security with Full Control

Easily manage settings and preferences through our intuitive dashboard to effectively control your outbound email traffic.

Enhanced Email Security

Utilize DKIM to validate your emails, increasing security and ensuring the integrity of your messages. This strengthens trust in your communication and improves deliverability.

Quick Setup: SMTP Mail Relay and Smart Host Solutions

Choose between using our outbound mail filter as a direct SMTP server or as a Smart Host during setup to flexibly adapt the protection to your needs. Both options can be quickly implemented in just a few steps.

Using as an SMTP Server (Client Relay)

Optimize your email sending with our SMTP server solution. Set up dedicated user accounts and seamlessly integrate them into your email clients. This option allows for secure authentication and sending through our highly available SMTP servers, maximizing outbound filter protection and safeguarding your company's IP reputation.

Using as a Smart Host (Server Relay)

Utilize our service as a Smart Host or Server Mail Relay to securely route your outgoing emails through our filter cloud via your mail server. This setup, supported by SMTP Relay Server technology, ensures efficient filtering of all messages, regardless of the number of domains under one IP.

For details on setting up Mail Relay SMTP and other options, please refer to our FAQs.

Key Features of EuropeanMX SMTP Servers:

Proactive Reporting & Management for Outbound Emails

Benefit from automatic updates and monitoring specifically designed for outbound email traffic to ensure the latest security standards are maintained.

Efficient Spam, Virus, & Malware Filtering

Our advanced filters effectively reduce false positives and secure outbound email traffic through thorough multi-level analyses.

Advanced Antivirus Technology

Enjoy top-tier protection against digital threats in outbound emails, including comprehensive scans of content and attachments.

IPv6 Support for Modern Email Sending

Ensure your outbound email traffic is compatible with the latest internet standards, thanks to full IPv6 support.

Regular Updates for Outbound Email Security

EuropeanMX ensures continuous updates and enhancements, specifically for outbound email traffic, to always stay ahead of the latest spam threats.

Detailed Log Search for Outbound Emails

Our platform offers comprehensive search capabilities to ensure transparency in outbound messages, allowing for quick corrections in case of false positives.

Broad Compatibility with Mail Servers

EuropeanMX can be flexibly used as an SMTP server and as a smart host with popular mail servers, simplifying integration into your existing email system.

DKIM Signing for Outbound Emails

Enhance the authenticity of your outbound messages by utilizing DKIM, implemented through the EuropeanMX dashboard.

Additional Features of the Outbound Email Filter:

  • SSL / TLS encryption

  • Email size limit management

  • Scalable user-oriented quarantine

  • Automatic user locking

  • Per user / IP / domain authentication

  • Advanced host reputation / greylisting

  • Advanced filtering statistics and intelligence

  • Outbound filtering reports

  • ARF reports

  • Malicious attachment blocking

  • Support for delisting issues

  • Whitelisting and blacklisting tools

  • User and privilege management

  • Advanced threat database

  • Per-user connection limits

Interested in EuropeanMX's SMTP Mail Relay?

Discover the powerful SMTP server from EuropeanMX with our 30-day free trial.
Experience the security benefits with no commitment and let our support team guide you through the initial setup.
Contact us to schedule a session and start protecting your business today.

Order EuropeanMX or Try for Free

Select the required number of domains and archive size:

4,95 / Month
58,80 € / Contract Period plus VAT
Email Users:
100 / Domain
100 MB / Month *
Contract Period:
12 Months *
Note that the outbound mail filter is not activated by default.
To activate the filtering of outbound messages, please contact our support.

We are here to assist if you have any questions.

* The Fair-Use-Traffic included in the package price refers to the monthly data volume of your e-mail traffic. In case of constant exceeding of the included traffic, you will be informed by us to negotiate appropriate conditions. The service remains active even if the volume contained in the package is exceeded in order to guarantee an uninterrupted use. The contract period is automatically extended by a further period if no notice of termination has been received within 30 days prior to expiry. The contract term is also the billing period.

Optimize your email dispatch with our 15 years of expertise.

As a reliable partner, we offer quick solutions and continuous availability for outbound mail dispatch via client and server relay.

Software as a Service

No need to install anything on your devices, ideal for outbound emails.

Redundancy for Security

Global data centers ensure reliable email delivery.

DKIM Ready

Ensures message integrity across servers.

Full Control

Customizable web admin interface to suit your needs.


Systems monitored and maintained 24/7.

Data Security

Frequently Asked Questions About Secure Email Sending

  • What is a Blacklist?
    An email blacklist is a list containing domains, email addresses, or IP addresses identified as suspicious or known sources of spam. Emails from blacklisted senders are usually not delivered to protect recipients from spam, malware, and unwanted advertising emails.
  • What is an SMTP Server?
    An SMTP server (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Server) is an application server that facilitates sending, forwarding, and receiving emails. It is responsible for the communication between mail servers and ensures your emails are delivered correctly.
  • How Do I Send Secure Messages? 
    To send secure messages, use encryption technologies like TLS (Transport Layer Security). Also, activate DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) to verify the authenticity of your emails and ensure the integrity of the message contents.
  • What Does DKIM Mean and Why Is It Important?
    DKIM stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail, an email security standard that verifies the authenticity of an email by matching a digital fingerprint (signature) of the email with a public key published in the DNS record of the sending domain. This helps prevent phishing and email spoofing by confirming that the message indeed comes from the specified domain and has not been altered en route to the recipient.
  • How Does Spam Filtering Work for Outbound Emails?
    Spam filtering for outbound emails analyzes messages for known spam characteristics, such as suspicious keywords, unusual sender activity, or known malware signatures, before they are sent. This prevents potentially harmful or unwanted content from reaching the recipient and protects the sender's reputation.

  • What is Greylisting?
    Greylisting is a method to combat spam by temporarily rejecting incoming emails from unknown senders and accepting them only after a delay. This is based on the assumption that legitimate mail servers will retry the delivery attempt, while spam servers often do not.

  • How Can I Check if My Email Address Is Blacklisted?
    To check if your email address is blacklisted, you can use online tools like our MX Toolbox, which checks your IP address or domain against multiple known blacklists and informs you if you are listed.

  • What Are the Benefits of an Outbound Email Filter?
    The benefits of an outbound email filter include improved email deliverability, protection against blacklisting, reduced risk of spreading malware, and protection of your email domain's reputation.

  • How Can I Improve the Deliverability of My Emails?
    To improve the deliverability of your emails, ensure your email content is relevant and free from spam indicators, use authenticated sending methods like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, and maintain clean and engaged email lists.

  • What Is TLS Encryption and How Does It Secure Emails?
    TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a protocol that encrypts communication over the internet, thus ensuring the security of email messages during transmission. TLS prevents third parties from reading or altering the contents of your emails.

  • How Does a Smart Host Differ from a Normal SMTP Server?
    A Smart Host acts as an intermediary between your mail server and the internet, taking over the delivery of outgoing emails. Unlike a normal SMTP server, which directly sends and receives emails, a Smart Host offers additional features such as spam filtering, queue management, and enhanced security measures.

  • Can Outbound Email Filters Produce False Positives?
    Yes, outbound email filters can occasionally produce false positives by mistakenly marking legitimate emails as spam. It's important to regularly review and adjust filter rules to improve accuracy.

  • How Does EuropeanMX Update and Maintain Its Security Filters?
    EuropeanMX continuously updates and maintains its security filters by implementing the latest threat databases and spam detection algorithms to ensure comprehensive protection against current and emerging threats.

  • How Do I Integrate EuropeanMX into My Existing Email System?
    Integrating EuropeanMX into your existing email system is done by configuring your mail server settings to route outbound (and possibly inbound) emails through the EuropeanMX filters.

    Detailed guides and support are available to simplify the process.

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