Introduction to DNS filtering

DNS filtering, or Domain Name System filtering, is an essential component of modern cybersecurity and an effective means of improving network security. But what exactly is DNS filtering and why is it so important?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phone book of the internet. When you want to visit a website, your computer sends a request to the DNS to determine the IP address of the website. Once the IP address is known, your computer can establish a connection to the website.

DNS filtering comes into play when this request is made. Instead of blindly fulfilling every request, a DNS filter checks the requested domain against a list of websites that have been classified as unsafe or inappropriate. If the requested domain is on this list, the request is blocked and the user cannot access the website.

This process is extremely important for protecting networks from a variety of threats, including malware, phishing attacks, and other forms of cybercrime. By blocking access to malicious websites, a DNS filter can prevent these threats from entering your network at all.

Steps of a DNS filtering system

Intercepting DNS requests

When a user tries to access a website, their device sends a DNS request to a DNS server to resolve the domain name. The DNS filter intercepts these requests instead of directly contacting the Internet Service Provider's (ISP) DNS server.

Filtering and categorization

The intercepted DNS requests are analyzed by the DNS filter. It compares the requested domain name with a database of categorized websites. This database contains information about as many available websites as possible and classifies their content, for example, into adult content, social media, gambling, malware, and so on.

Enforcement of guidelines

Based on either predefined policies or self-defined filter rules, the DNS filter determines whether the requested website should be allowed or blocked. Companies can customize the filter rules to meet their specific requirements and security policies.

Answering the DNS request

After the DNS filter has evaluated the requested domain, it responds to the user's device with the corresponding DNS response. If the website is allowed, the IP address corresponding to the domain is provided so that the user can access the website. If the website is blocked, the DNS filtering system returns a different IP address, and only a blocking page is delivered to the user, informing them that the website is not accessible for them.

Reporting and monitoring

The DNS filter provides administrators with a centralized management console for monitoring and analyzing internet usage. It generates reports and logs that provide insights into user activities, blocked requests, and potential security threats.

The advantages of DNS filtering

DNS filtering offers a variety of advantages that go far beyond simply blocking harmful websites. Here are some of the key benefits it can provide to your company:

  • Protection against cyber threats: One of the greatest benefits of DNS filtering is protection against cyber threats. By blocking access to malicious websites, DNS filtering can prevent malware and other threats from entering your network. This can help avoid data loss, operational disruptions, and other serious issues.

  • Increase productivity: By blocking access to inappropriate or distracting websites, DNS filtering can help increase productivity in your company. Employees can focus on their work instead of spending time on websites that have nothing to do with their job.

  • Control over the network: With DNS filtering, you have full control over what happens in your network. You can decide which websites to allow and which to block, and you can create reports to see which websites are most frequently visited in your network.

These benefits make DNS filtering an essential tool for any company that wants to improve its network security and maintain control over its network.

Discover use cases for DNS filtering

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