Email Archiving: Secure Your Communication

Emails have become the cornerstone of both business and personal communication, filled with crucial data and legally binding information. Whether it's about tax receipts, business-critical knowledge, or legally significant exchanges, every email matters. Given the stringent legal requirements for archiving electronic correspondence, EuropeanMX offers a dependable email archiving solution that not only ensures compliance but also effectively protects and organizes your valuable data. With EuropeanMX, your emails are securely archived, accessible at any time, and safeguarded against data loss.

Setting up a legally compliant email archiving system involves distinguishing between manual and automated archiving methods.

Comparison: Manual Archiving vs. Automated Archiving with EuropeanMX

Manual Archiving

Often referred to as user-driven archiving, this method allows users to independently decide which messages to archive. The responsibility for selecting and determining the storage location of the archived data lies with the user.

Although such systems are often equipped with indexing features to enable efficient searching, this approach carries the risk of overlooking important information or failing to meet legal requirements.

Automated Archiving with EuropeanMX

Unlike manual archiving, EuropeanMX's automated solution relieves you of the effort and uncertainty. Our system-driven archiving ensures that every email is automatically archived without user intervention, guaranteeing full compliance with legal regulations.

  With EuropeanMX, you can rely on an efficient, secure, and fully automated archiving process that leaves no important messages behind and simplifies access to archived data.

Emails stored securely in the EuropeanMX archiving vault.

Legal Framework for Compliant Email Archiving

Choosing a legally secure archiving solution requires a deep understanding of the legal requirements. The following key elements are crucial:

  • Tamper-proof Archiving: Ensuring the integrity and authenticity of data by archiving all messages in an unalterable manner.

  • Data Integrity: Technical assurance that no messages are lost during the archiving process and long-term storage.

  • Searchability and Accessibility: Efficient search functions to enable quick access to archived messages.

  • Retention Periods: The ability to store emails beyond the legally mandated minimum retention periods.

  • Data Authenticity: Archiving and restoring emails in their original format, with encrypted storage being permissible.

  • Change Documentation: Any actions that alter the archive's structure must be documented in a way that the original state can be restored.

  • Migration: The archiving solution must support lossless migration of the entire archive to ensure long-term data availability.

Email Archiving Obligations: A Corporate Guide

Navigating the complexities of which emails must be archived is a common challenge for businesses, particularly with the concern of retaining non-essential content. Yet, determining the necessity of archiving is more straightforward than anticipated: Emails containing legally mandated documents such as invoices, financial records, and contracts require archiving.

The initial irrelevance of customer email communications can quickly shift with the establishment of binding agreements. The manual archiving approach demands that any subsequent modifications or additions to these communications be archived as well, a task that can become both labor-intensive and susceptible to errors.

Embracing System-Driven Archiving:

To overcome these obstacles and achieve a comprehensive and efficient archiving process, adopting a system-driven approach is indispensable. This method ensures the automated and complete archiving of all pertinent emails, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Archiving Solutions Tailored for Businesses:

System-driven archiving solutions are specifically designed to cater to the needs of businesses, ensuring compliance with legal mandates by securely storing all forms of electronic communications for the required retention periods, typically ranging from 6 to 10 years. This streamlined approach not only enhances compliance but also significantly reduces the administrative burden associated with email management.

EU-GoBD and GDPR-Compliant Email Archiving with EuropeanMX

EuropeanMX leads the way in providing secure and compliant email archiving solutions for businesses globally. We recognize the importance of adhering to both the Principles of Proper Accounting (GoBD) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). That's why we offer customized MX-Records that ensure all your messages are exclusively routed, filtered, and archived through servers located within the European Union.

Our commitment to security and compliance extends even further: Your email archives are redundantly secured in two geographically separated data centers in Germany. This not only ensures the highest security standards but also guarantees exceptional reliability and availability of your archived data.

Secure and Compliant: Email Archiving with EuropeanMX

With our scalable archiving solution, we offer you a cloud-based system that enables worry-free, legally compliant archiving of your business communication without the need for your own infrastructure. Our cloud archiving solution ensures global legal compliance with minimal effort - just a few clicks are enough to fully meet the GoBD requirements.


Set up your domain and target server in your EuropeanMX account.


Change your domain's MX records to point to EuropeanMX.


Create an outbound user in EuropeanMX.


After a short updating phase, EuropeanMX will automatically start archiving all incoming and outgoing emails.

Forget about acquiring expensive server hardware, managing licenses, and continuously training technical staff. With EuropeanMX, your email communication is securely, immutably, and encryptedly archived in our redundant cloud. Your messages are always searchable and can be promptly redirected to the appropriate mailbox.

Key Benefits of EuropeanMX at a Glance

Customizable Retention Periods

EuropeanMX offers you the flexibility to set the duration of email retention according to your needs. You can precisely determine how long messages should be stored in the archive. After the specified period, old messages can be automatically removed from the archive to comply with retention policies and enhance storage management efficiency.

Universal Application

Regardless of the number of users on your domain, EuropeanMX automatically archives messages from all configured accounts, without any restrictions per user or email address.

Highest Security Standards

All emails are encrypted during transmission using TLS and securely stored in the archive with AES encryption.

Efficient Data Compression

Given the GoBD retention obligations, storage requirements can quickly escalate. EuropeanMX addresses this issue with an impressive 90% compression rate for all archived emails, significantly reducing your storage needs.

Fast and Easy Search

The indexed search function allows for quick and efficient scanning of the archive. The web-based display of emails and attachments makes it easy to find specific messages, while the bulk retrieval feature enables time-efficient restoration of multiple messages.

Wide Mail Server Compatibility

EuropeanMX is compatible with a variety of mail servers, including Microsoft Exchange, Zimbra, Postfix, Exim, qmail, and Lotus, allowing for flexible integration into existing systems.

Integration with Microsoft Exchange Journals

Our system facilitates seamless transitions to and from Microsoft Exchange, including the ability to import and export archives.

Discover if EuropeanMX is the Ideal Archiving Solution for You

EuropeanMX offers a powerful archiving solution that is ready for immediate use and meets international standards such as GDPdU (GoBD Ready), Sarbanes-Oxley, and SEC regulations.

If you have any questions or are uncertain whether EuropeanMX meets your needs, or if you need assistance in assessing your archival storage requirements, we are here for you. Our team provides comprehensive consulting and support. Explore EuropeanMX for yourself with our free, no-obligation 30-day trial and determine if it's the right solution for your requirements.

Schedule a Consultation: Book an appointment for an individual initial setup or in-depth consultation with our experts. We are eager to help you find the optimal solution tailored to your specific needs.

Try EuropeanMX for Free: Test EuropeanMX for 30 days, free of charge and with no obligation. Take this opportunity to experience the efficiency and user-friendliness of our archiving solution in your own environment.

Essentials of Email Archiving

  • What does email archive mean?
    Email archiving refers to the process of long-term storage of emails in a manner that fulfills legal requirements, maintains data integrity, and ensures quick access to archived messages.
  • Why is email archiving important?
    It ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, secures vital business data, relieves email servers, and ensures important information is available for future reference.
  • What does tamper-proof archiving mean?
    Tamper-proof archiving ensures that archived data cannot be altered or deleted and is always traceable and accessible in its original state to meet legal and operational requirements.
  • How long should emails be retained?
    Retention periods vary by country and specific legal requirements. Typically, a minimum retention period of 6 to 10 years is common.
    What are the benefits of cloud-based email archiving? Benefits include reduced IT costs, greater scalability, enhanced data security, accessibility from anywhere, and relief for internal infrastructure.
  • Can deleted emails be restored from the archive?
    Yes, archived emails, including deleted ones, can usually be fully restored as long as they are within the set retention periods.
  • How does EuropeanMX secure my archived emails?
    EuropeanMX secures emails by encrypting them during transmission and storage, redundantly storing them in geographically separated data centers, and enforcing strict access controls.
  • Is EuropeanMX compatible with my existing email system?
    EuropeanMX is designed to be compatible with most popular email systems, including Microsoft Exchange, Zimbra, Postfix, and others.
  • How can I access archived emails?
    Archived emails can be searched, viewed, and if necessary, restored to the original mailbox or another location via the EuropeanMX web portal.
  • What happens to my archived data if I discontinue the service?
    EuropeanMX offers data migration and extraction options to ensure you have access to your archived data even after the service ends.
  • How are large volumes of archived emails efficiently managed?
    EuropeanMX employs advanced indexing and search technologies to ensure rapid searchability of large data volumes and provides tools for efficient management and review of the archive.
  • Does EuropeanMX meet international data protection standards like the GDPR?
    Yes, EuropeanMX is designed to meet international data protection standards, including the GDPR, offering features that ensure compliance.
Glossary on Email Archiving
  • AES Encryption (Advanced Encryption Standard): A widely used encryption standard for the secure storage of electronic data, including emails.

  • Cloud Archive: Long-term storage of data and documents on redundant servers managed at multiple locations.

  • Compression: The process of reducing the size of email data through algorithms to save storage space and enhance the efficiency of the archiving system.

  • GDPR / EU-DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation): A regulation by the European Union that governs data collection and processing, setting high data protection standards for handling personal data of EU citizens.

  • GoBD: Short for "Principles for properly maintaining, keeping and storing books, records and documents in electronic form and for data access," as issued by the German Federal Ministry of Finance.

  • Indexed Search: A method that enables quick searches and access to archived emails by creating an index of stored data.

  • Mail Exchange Record (MX-Record): A DNS (Domain Name System) record that specifies the mail server responsible for receiving email messages on behalf of a domain.

  • Mass Retrieval: The ability of an archiving system to retrieve and deliver multiple emails from the archive to the original or another mailbox simultaneously.

  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act: A United States federal law that sets requirements for financial reporting by corporations, including the retention of business records and electronic correspondence.

  • SEC Rules (Securities and Exchange Commission): Regulations by the US securities regulatory agency that include requirements for the retention and archiving of financial documents and electronic communications.

  • Smarthost (SMTP-Relay Server): A server that receives email messages from a sender and forwards them to third parties, used to protect the IP reputation of one's mail server.

  • Target Server: Describes the mail server where messages should be delivered after archiving.

  • Tamper-proof Archiving: Refers to the archiving of electronic correspondence and documents in a manner that prevents alteration or deletion, ensuring data remains accessible and traceable in its original state.

  • TLS (Transport Layer Security): An encryption protocol that secures data transmission over the internet.

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