How can I read the header of a message?

The message header of an email contains all the technical details of an email that enable you to precisely analyze problems with delivery. It contains important information such as the sender of the message, the mail software used or the mail servers that were used to send the message to the target server.

How can I read the header from a message?

  • AOL Email
    Please open the relevant message and click on "Details" in the upper area (at the top of "To:" / "From:") to display the header. You can simply copy and paste the information that is now displayed into a text file or save the content into an HTML file which you can then forward to your administrator. In order to save the information to a file, move the mouse cursor to the top toolbar, click on "File" and then on "Save As". Select the directory and enter a name under which you want to save the file. Please select HTML as file type. If the type is not displayed, please select "all files" and add ".html" to end of the file name. Please make sure that the dot is included in the file name before "html". Click on "Save" to save the file.
  • Apple Mail
    Highlight the desired message and go to "Appearance" in the menu. There you can find the item "Email" and below it the option "All headers". You will now see the detailed header information in the message preview.
  • Compuserve
    The complete message header is added at the end of each received message by default. Please copy the message header into a text file.
  • Eudora Pro
    Please open the relevant message and click on "BLAH BLAH BLAH" in the toolbar. After clicking on the button you will see the complete message header. You can simply copy and paste the displayed information into a text file or click "Forward" and the headers will be automatically added to the new message. You can now simply forward the message or copy the content to a text file.
  • ELM
    Please open the appropriate message and execute the H command. Now the headlines are displayed. Please copy the content into a text file.
  • Excite Webmail
    Please open the relevant message and select the option "save to disk". After opening the saved file with the Windows Editor you can view the message header.
  • Free agent/agent
    Please click on "Message" and then on "Show full message header". Then go to the relevant message and click on copy and paste the content into a text file in the message window.
  • Gmail
    Please open the relevant message and click on the three-point menu next to "Reply". Select "Show original" and copy the content to a text file.
  • Hotmail
    Please open the relevant message and go to the options. Now click on "Settings" and scroll down to the message headers. Select "Advanced Message Headers" and copy the content to a text file.
  • Juno Version 4+
    Select Options > Email options (CTRL + E). Select the full version under "Show message header" and click "Ok" to save the setting. Juno Version 4+ provides the ability to display MIME and HTML messages, but does not provide the ability to view the source of the message directly within the program. In order to view the full source code of a message, click File > Save Message as Text File (CTRL + T) within the Juno mail client.
  • Lotus Notes / IBM Notes
    If you are using Notes 6.X, please open the respective e-mail and select the option "View/Show Page source". Via "File" > "Export" you can save the message header in a file on your hard disk. Please enter a file name, leave the type as "structured text" and click "Export". In the dialog box, select the option "Selected Documents" and click "Ok". If you now open the saved file in a text editor, you will see the message header.
    If you are using Notes 5.X, please open the inbox and select the message. Via "File" > "Export" you can save the message header to a file on your hard disk. Enter a file name, leave the type as "structured text" and click "Export". In the dialog box, select the option "Selected Documents" and click "Ok". If you now open the saved file in a text editor, you will see the message header.
  • Lotus Notes 4.6 (Win 9x client)
    Please open the properties of the respective message (first smart symbol on the left side or right click on the document and select "Properties" from the menu). Select the second tab in the property field, which contains a list of fields and their contents. Scroll down until the "$additionalheaders" field is displayed. Select the content and press CTRL + C to copy the content to the clipboard. Now open a text file and press CTRL + V to copy the content to the text file.
  • mailx
    You can exit your current mail program without changing the mailbox and then open the respective message with mail or mailx. If you display the message with the print command or P, the complete message header is displayed. Note the capital "P" here! The complete message header can be saved with the saveretrain command (on some systems this can also be done with "Save" or "S").
  • Microsoft Exchange
    Please open the relevant message, click on "File" and now select "Properties". In the field "Internet headers" the message header is displayed. Simply copy it and add the content to a text file.
  • Microsoft Internet News
    Please open the relevant message, click on "File" and select "Properties". In the "Details" tab you will see the message header, which you can simply copy to a text file.
  • Microsoft Outlook for Office 365, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007
    Please open the respective message, click on "File" and now select "Properties". In the field "Internet Headers" the message header is displayed. Simply copy it and add the content to a text file.
  • Microsoft Live Mail / Hotmail
    Please open the relevant message and go to the options. Now click on "Settings" and scroll down to the message headers. Select "Advanced Message Headers" and copy the content to a text file.
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
    Please open the relevant message and select "Source code" under "More". Copy the content to a text file.
  • Netscape Messenger
    Please open the message in question and then press CTRL + U. A new window will now open in which the complete message and the corresponding header will be displayed. First select the content you want to copy. In order to do this press CTRL + A on your keyboard and then CTRL + C to copy the content. Now open the text editor and paste the already copied content into the text file with CTRL + V.
  • Newswatcher
    Please select "File" and then click on "Preferences". Here you can now activate the checkbox "Show Article Headers".
  • Opera Mail
    Open the relevant message, right-click inside the message and select the option "Show complete message header and message". Copy the content to a text file.
  • Pegasus
    Open the relevant message and then press CTRL + H. You will now receive the complete header lines. Copy the content to a text file.
  • Pine/Alpine
    On the website of the provider you can find a corresponding manual.
  • UNIX
    Save the message in any directory and use the "type" command or print the message to get the complete message header.
  • Web TV
    Please open the respective e-mail and click on "Forward" on the side bar. Address the message to yourself and delete the content in the subject line. Now place the cursor on the first line in the text area of the message and press "Enter" (Return) twice on your keyboard. Your cursor should now have moved to the 3rd line of the text area. Now enter any "ALT" character (e.g. @) in this line. DO NOT PRESS RETURN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Select only the text area with CTRL + A, then cut it out with CTRL + X and paste it into the subject line of the message with CTRL + V. The "ALT" character should now "jump" into the text area of the message. Press "Send" and you will receive a message with the complete header lines.

In case you need assistance please don't hesitate to contact our support.

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